Connection Series Episode 4: Does your horse look to you to lead?

Does your horse look to you to take the lead?

Do they have faith, trust and confidence in you and your skills to follow your lead?

This has a lot to do with how we can strategically and intentionally structure our training sessions so that the horses build more confidence in us and themselves by creating small achievable challenges with an immense sense of satisfaction and reward on completion. 

If you feel like your training sessions are lacking organisation and purpose. If you go in to your training session asking what are we going to do today? If you're feeling lost in what you are trying to achieve in your training environment with your horse check out our membership where we help you strategically plan your training out with your horse in small bite size pieces to work towards your big goal. You can find the membership here

Get the youtube training here

Register for the free connection course here


Connection Series Episode 5: Togetherness


Connection Series Episode 3: The Softening