Connection is more than just physical interactions

Our relationship with horses extends far beyond mere physical interactions. 

It encompasses the emotional and intellectual responses of our equine partners, forming the foundation of The Holistic Horse Handling Methodology. In this session, we explore the transformative power of this approach, highlighting the importance of understanding and connection over focusing solely on behaviours or compliance. Join us as we embark on a journey that celebrates the depth and richness of the horse-human bond.

The Holistic Horse Handling Methodology recognizes that we are in a profound relationship with our horses. It goes beyond the transactional aspect of giving commands and expecting obedience. Instead, it emphasises building a partnership based on trust, respect, and mutual understanding. By nurturing this bond, we create an environment that encourages the horse to willingly engage and collaborate with us.

Horses, like humans, experience a wide range of emotions. Acknowledging and addressing their emotional well-being is a fundamental aspect of The Holistic Horse Handling Methodology. By creating a supportive and empathetic environment, we foster emotional balance, allowing the horse to feel safe, relaxed, and confident. This emotional connection becomes the bedrock upon which effective training is built.

Horses possess remarkable intelligence and a natural inclination to learn and problem-solve. The Holistic Horse Handling Methodology embraces their intellectual capabilities by offering mentally stimulating activities and challenges. By engaging their minds, we tap into their curiosity and desire to participate actively in the training process. This approach not only enriches their experience but also deepens the bond between horse and handler.

The Holistic Horse Handling Methodology expands our perspective beyond the mere execution of desired behaviours. 

It emphasises the importance of clear and effective communication, not only in terms of specific tasks but also in understanding the horse's needs, desires, and individuality. By learning to listen attentively and respond sensitively to their cues, both subtle and overt, we create a language of connection and mutual understanding. This deeper level of communication enables us to address the horse's concerns, fears, and preferences, fostering a stronger and more harmonious partnership.

Mindfulness plays a vital role in the Holistic Horse Handling Methodology. It requires us to be fully present and attuned to the horse's physical and emotional state. By cultivating mindfulness, we develop a heightened sense of awareness, both of ourselves and the horse. This enables us to recognize and respond to their needs in the present moment, rather than being fixated on past or future outcomes. Mindfulness also allows us to approach training sessions with patience, compassion, and a genuine appreciation for the unique journey of each horse.

The Holistic Horse Handling Methodology invites us to embrace a deeper understanding of our equine partners. It acknowledges that effective training goes beyond behaviours alone and encompasses emotions, intellect, and meaningful communication. By prioritising trust, empathy, and connection, we create an environment that nurtures the horse's well-being and strengthens the bond we share. 


Just because we say so, doesn’t mean they will


Loving the horse first with Amy from Amy Skinner Horsemanship