Equestrian Movement

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Connection Series Episode 6: Consent and Choice

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When we give the horses the power of consent and choice we unlock their true nature.

This is what psychological safety is.

We're not seeing the version of the horse that is scared and fears humans, fears for its life and fears threats in its environment.  We're not seeing the version of the horse that is tense and braced because it lacks faith, trust and confidence in us. We're seeing the version of the horse that feels so safe around us they are prepared to bring down their boundaries, walls and armour and be vulnerable with us. 

What could your horses potential have been before life and humans happened to them? How can we unpack that armour and rewire psychological safety and vulnerability in to their learnt behaviours?

There is a little caveat with choice and consent, once we give our horses a voice, we don't always like to hear what they have to say. Feel free to reach out if you need support. You can contact us via email here

Want to see our consent and choice training in action? Check it out here

Want to check out our membership training trainability? Start today here